Spring Bait Stations & Real Inflation Reduction Action Ends Soon!

Early Spring Means Bait Stations Restocks
Spring is just around the corner! We will be restocking bait stations for our recurring UP Rodent customers. This will start as the snow melt allows and continue throughout April. Strategically placed bait stations with high-quality, palatable bait are imperative to control the rodent population. Rodent bait stations maintained during the spring and fall combined with a general foundation seal is the best way to protect your loved ones and your property!

Aren’t sure if you are on the recurring bait station restock list? Need a UP Rodent setup and seal inspection? Take advantage of REAL INFLATION REDUCTION ACTION by signing up for any service or product offered by Northern Pest before April 15th and save with our 2021/2022 pricing!
Our Real Inflation Reduction Action Ends 4/15/23
The cost of everything is going up. Northern Pest is determined to keep our prices down. Our goal to sustain reasonable pricing while providing high-quality pest control services is achievable by planning ahead. By scheduling customers for Spring/Summer Pest Barriers by April 15th, we can plan and save time and resources.
Customers who sign up will get matched pricing from 2021/2022!!
Text to sign up: (906) 553-4841
Email to sign up: service@northernpest.com
Contact us on our website to sign up: www.northernpest.com/contact
Offer Ends April 15th – Sign Up Now!
With spring and summer pest barriers, you’ll be one step ahead. By prepping your home or business before the heat, we prevent insects from getting a foothold and multiplying. Periodic maintenance around homes and buildings provides the best line of defense.
Northern Pest is fully licensed and insured, and we look forward to serving you!
Sign-up for our Spring/Summer pest barriers by April 15th
Our Family Serving Yours
Northern Pest blends both the pest control and wildlife control industries to provide effective holistic service to our customers. In addition to insect and animal control, Northern Pest is an experienced licensed builder. We offer cleanup, restoration, insulation, and general repairs related to the pest and wildlife industry. We are here to handle pest problems, start to finish. Our no-contract service ensures that you are provided prompt and affordable service.