Problems with Mice in Campers, Boats, or Other Recreational Vehicles?

Northern Michigan is prone to pests seeking shelter during the harsh winter. When temperatures dip near freezing, residents may notice an uptick in pest activity within the premises. For those who own an RV or camper, keeping mice at bay when the vehicle is not in use is especially difficult. Mice are small enough to squeeze through a hole the size of a dime, so cracks and holes you didn’t know existed can be found and infiltrated by these tiny yet destructive creatures.
Tips to Keep Mice Out of Your Home on Wheels:
- Inspect for Entry Points: Examine your camper and detect potential entry points. Look underneath the camper and search for any holes that mice may enter, focusing on areas where pipes and electrical wires egress. Inspect the exterior, including windows and doors, under the hood, and check the “basement” storage area. Finally, check the interior, closely inspecting dark, hidden areas such as the back of cabinets and drawers.
- Prevent Entry: Seal all cracks and gaps with expanding spray foam or caulk. Once you locate entry points, fill them with foam spray, caulk, or wire mesh. Pay special attention to any access panels, the dumping compartment, and your camper’s pop-out or pull-out sections.
- Keep it Squeaky Clean: After your trip, properly clean your camper. When storing your trailer, even for a short period, all food and condiments should be removed, apart from canned goods. Don’t trust a plastic bin to prevent mice from chewing through, either! Thoroughly clean up crumbs, spills, and sticky messes, including the refrigerator, microwave, countertops, cushions, and floors. If you have children, double-check and clean areas such as the pull-out couch, bed, and play areas.
- Storing Your Camper: If able, it’s ideal to keep your camper on a hard, paved surface. Parking your wheels on grassy or wooded areas is where mice are more likely to roam. A solid surface acts like a buffer to further protect your trailer. Also, regularly check your camper so that if there is a problem, you can act quickly to remedy it.
- Use Natural Mouse Repellent: Consider using DIY remedies such as placing moth balls, dryer sheets, or Irish Spring soap in openings around the camper. Cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil may work, too, as rodents dislike strong smells. Cats are also great at keeping the mice away!
- Set Up Mouse Traps: Kill traps are another option. You can preemptively set up mouse traps to eliminate those who may wander inside. You will need to periodically check the traps, dispose of any carcasses, and reset new traps.
- Set Up Recurring Rodent Services: When all else fails, or if you want to go the easy route, Northern Pest can set up a rodent program that will protect your home and property!
Keeping up on recreational vehicles doesn’t have to be a lot of work, and there’s really no way to seal those things up. Take a load off and relax a bit by calling Northern Pest. Our techs will assess your situation, inspect your premises, and recommend solutions. Our reoccurring rodent program includes strategically setting up tamper-resistant devices which hold rodenticide bait blocks. These attract pesky rodents who will eat the bait and leave as they normally would and die outside within a day or two in search of hydration. Our team will regularly come out as scheduled to check and refill the stations with bait. For hassle-free pest control, call Northern Pest today!
Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!
Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: