Many homeowners have tried DIY solutions for pest control, from homemade bug-repellent elixirs to baited 5-gallon buckets for mice. While these remedies may work for small intrusions, they are often time-consuming, costly, and ineffective in the long run. When it comes to managing pests in your home, property, office building, or commercial space, hiring a…
Read moreMotels, hotels, B&Bs, and similar establishments all face the ongoing challenge of keeping bed bugs at bay. Cleanliness alone does little to protect your property from these pesky hitchhiking invaders. This article outlines several proactive steps your staff can take to prevent bed bugs from entering your building and minimize the risk of infestations: 1….
Read moreAs autumn settles in, bringing cooler nights and shorter days, several insects start seeking cozy spaces for overwintering. Among them are cluster flies, a name that accurately reflects their habit of clustering together in sunny spots on walls or inside your home as they prepare to hibernate. Unlike some pests that overwinter as eggs or…
Read moreThough resembling bees, yellowjackets aggressively defend their colonies, which reach peak size and aggression in late summer. During August and September, these insects become particularly hostile while guarding their nests—found underground or in trees, shrubs, wood piles, and buildings, and hosting up to 5,000 members. While yellowjackets help control pests like caterpillars and flies, they…
Read moreUnfortunately, bed bugs infiltrate hotels more often than you think. These pests are common in all 50 states, and since they bunker down within upholstery and other fabrics, they survive the harshest winters. Bed bugs don’t only sequester hotels; they hitch a ride from unsuspecting travelers and can cause a nuisance within offices, daycares, hospitals,…
Read moreStinging insects such as paper wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets are out in full throttle now that warmer weather has arrived. These pesky creatures may be a real pain, but they also serve some good. For example, the Northern Paper Wasp keeps in check devouring caterpillars that feast on our crops and trees. Read on to…
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